(Trade Unions) House of Culture Suceava

Address : 20A, Ștefan cel Mare street
Town/Suburb/City : Suceava
State/County/Province : Moldavia
Country : Romania
The House of Culture in Suceava is a project that illustrates very well the period from 1960 to 1971, when the Romanian Communist Party sought an opening towards normality, which also meant an opening towards the democratic (western) world or the mimicking of such an opening. On the other hand, from the architectural and urban viewpoint, it was also a time when, the Party line as stated by Nicolae Ceausescu, leader of the Party – State system, asked for a “Romanian architecture [that] should be capable of combining the national specific with the modern spirit in the most felicitous way” The House of Culture was built in an urban square sited in a space obtained by demolishing part of the old (mainly nineteenth-century) city centre. The buildings that border the square were constructed mostly at the same time as the House of Culture, which stands in isolation in the middle of this built perimeter.
