Atrium Catalogue

Architecture of Totalitarian Regimes

of the XXth Century in Urban Management

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“General Keightley hails the Italian troops marching” (November- December 1944)

“General Keightley hails the Italian troops marching” (November- December 1944)
id: 876
Resource type: Photographic
Resource category: JPEG File
Language: Italian
Name of original file: Photografic Archive of Forlì Municipality

Link: -
ID Code:
Description: Dopo la liberazione di Forlì le truppe italiane sfilano ai piedi del palazzo delle Poste (novembre-dicembre 1944) After the liberation of Forlì, the Italian troops march in front of the Italian Mail building (November-December 1944)

Correlation: The photo is referring to the building Post and Telegraph Office

Holder Person:

Notes: Rights holder: Library Saffi of the Municipality of Forlì