Atrium Catalogue

Architecture of Totalitarian Regimes

of the XXth Century in Urban Management

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Photo from the planimetric tool of the House of Literature and Art

Photo from the planimetric tool of the House of Literature and Art
id: 305
Resource type: Photographic
Resource category: JPEG File
Language: Greek
Name of original file: -

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ID Code:
Description: Planimetric Tool_05.jpg (drawing scale 1:200) is an official document which depicts the size of the building of House of Literature and Art signed and stamped by Patras Municipality.

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Holder Person:

Notes: Planimetric Tool_05.was created by the Engineer (Mr. Moraitis) who also signs it. Revenue Directorate: Municipal Property and Contributions’ Department of Patras Municipality owns all the planimetric tools and documents related to the House of Literature and Art, as it is responsible for the administration and preservation of the building Copy from the Planimetric Tool_05 was given to AEIPLOUS by the Revenue Directorate: Municipal Property and Contributions’ Department of Patras Municipality