Atrium Catalogue

Architecture of Totalitarian Regimes

of the XXth Century in Urban Management

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“Open University Subotica” - side view of the building

“Open University Subotica” - side view of the building
id: 400
Resource type: Photographic
Resource category: JPEG File
Name of original file: L1079132

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Description: This photo of “Open University Subotica” is taken from the parking lot (which is placed in front of the building).

Correlation: Photograph reflects architecture from the sixties . Ideologically it was aimed to educate adult people. As with Titoist architecture in general there are little direct signs of the Communist dictatorship. It is a proper late modernism via which progress is being highlighted the same way as in any Western European country.

Holder Person:

Notes: Creator, Rights holder: Prof. Dr Klein Rudolf