Atrium Catalogue

Architecture of Totalitarian Regimes

of the XXth Century in Urban Management

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Reconstruction of production line for sulphur acid and purchasing of new machinery at chemical factory „Zorka“ - Subotica

id: 484
Resource type: Video
Resource category: MP4 File
Name of original file: filmske novosti 1957

Link: Yugoslav film archive in Belgrade
ID Code:
Description: Need for reconstruction of production line for sulphur acid is presented. Also adequacy for investment in order to decrease import and prices of artificial compost of super phosphate. News in economy of this type were presented with video journals and public was informed about successful investments.

Correlation: Short movies about news in economy glorified political actions in national production and economy. Ideology glorified political plans and goals.

Holder Person:

Notes: Threwout these video journals investment in certain industries can be reconstructed. In Yugoslav film archive – Belgrade many movie journals are stored.